30 Day Fanfic Challenge – Day 1

Favourite Fandom

Anyone who has spent any amount of time talking to me or reading my blog, Facebook or twitter, knows that I am a big fan of Harry Potter and, by extension, Harry Potter fan-fiction.

That isn’t to say I don’t read fan-fiction from other fandoms. I do. I’d say the top three fandoms I read, aside from Harry Potter, are Naruto, No.6 and Shingeki no Kyojin. I also enjoy reading Kuroshitsuji fan-fiction. In fact, while I’m not a fan of fan-fiction about real life people, I enjoy fan stories and fan art for pretty much any book, movie or TV show I like.

Still, if I had to pick a favourite fandom, it would definitely be Harry Potter. By far, the vast majority of fan-fiction I read are either Harry Potter or Harry Potter crossovers. I particularly enjoy Harry Potter crossed over with Supernatural or Walking Dead.

So, there you have it, my answer for today’s theme of Favourite Fandom is Harry Potter. Surprised? Didn’t think so.

If you want to participate in the 30 Day Fanfic Challenge, you can find the daily themes here.






What are your thoughts?