New TV Setup
New TV Setup (Photo credit: craig1black)

I don’t watch a lot of TV and I don’t have any must-see, cannot-miss type TV shows. I do like to watch Funniest Home Videos once in a while and, when I remember that it is on, I will tune into One Born Every Minute. I also like to tune into TVSN, but not when they are showing skincare products or electricals. I tend to prefer watching the clothes, jewellery and homewares. Not that I can afford to buy anything, of course, but it’s fun to dream. Another show I find interesting is Q&A. I find it can be quite entertaining and informative. Mind you, I don’t watch any of these shows on a regular basis. Rather, they are something I watch when I feel like it or when I remember that they are on.

In fact, aside from our nightly DVD and an occasional bout of watching YouTube on the T-box. our television spends the majority of it’s life switched off. We really don’t watch a lot of TV.






What are your thoughts?